Think-Aloud Usability Testing for Risk of Rain 2

Participants were recruited to perform a think-aloud usability testing of Risk of Rain 2’s interface and gameplay.

task ux risk of rain.png

Research Procedure:

During the study, participants were guided through tasks in a linear order. Furthermore, participants were asked to think aloud their thoughts while performing those tasks for the researcher. If guidance was needed, the researcher would verbally aid the participant to complete the tasks. In addition to guidance, the researcher would also ask follow-up questions if necessary. Finally, the participants would be asked a series of de-briefing interview questions by the researcher.

Major Findings:


The interface was received positively overall. Participants were able to successfully navigate the interface and other areas such as the Logbook without difficulties.

The inability to recognize the teleporter provided the most difficulties for new players to be able to complete the round. Although players were able to understand the objectives, outside guidance was necessary to continue through the gameplay.

Some players had difficulties differentiating the difficulty levels within the game. Although the icons were clearly distinguished, some players were not confident if the selection was the EASY difficulty level.


Designing for Female Gamers

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